Boy or Girl? Desi myths on guessing the gender of baby in your stomach
Baby Boy or Girl? You must have heard everybody around you making the the predictions about the gender of baby. Here are Desi myths as believed in India.

Baby Boy or Girl? Pregnant? If yes, then you must have heard everybody around you making the the predictions about the gender of baby! It is quite common in India as the pre-natal identification is illegal and most of the people want a baby boy for obvious reasons.
Well, we wrote this article when Maahi was first time pregnant and was in my seventh month of pregnancy.
We had heard thousand predictions from hundreds of people for the gender of our baby.
Our maid said it is going to be a baby boy by looking at Maahi’s buttock and stomach shape. She was probably more interested in pre-booking a suit (as a gift) for it from mother-in-law.
All the aunties had their opinion by looking at the complexion of my face; Anil’s sister’s mother-in-law had her own prediction based on the conceive period!! Whoops….looks like everything is fixed and can be guessed….no need of an ultrasound machine.
We together (Anil and Maahi) build up this list of myths that are quite prevalent in India to guess the gender. We say myths because, they have no scientific and logical reasoning attached to them.
Please note that we have shared this for fun here and you should also not take them seriously….we mean just enjoy the guessing part and leave the rest on God. You are scheduled to give birth to a human being, and that is all what should matter.
Boy Or Girl? Guessing The Gender Of Baby As Per Indian Conventions
#1 Poornima or Amavasya?

Boy: If your first missed menstruation period (which actually confirms your pregnancy) falls in Poornima, you have a baby boy in your womb!
Girl: If it is Amavasya, it is a girl child.
Well, we know couple of people who actually did plan their sexual act to make sure the first missed menstruation cycle falls in the desired zone. Do you believe the craziness?
#2 Fair and Lovely
If your (off-course only girl’s) complexion and face suddenly starts looking dull and dark in pregnancy, it is said that you have conceived a boy.
If the complexion/face turns bright and fair, you would have a baby girl.
Pregnancy is the only time, when most of the Indian girl would wish for dull and DARK complexion! Just fun. No offenses intended.
#3 Breast’s Nipple color also paint a picture
If the color of your nipple turns brown (can be dark brown also), it is believed that you have a baby boy.
If the color of nipple turns black (off course NOT jet black), you have better chances of a girl.
#4 Sweet or Sour Cravings?

If the pregnant mother has developed craving for sweet, she is going to give birth to a baby boy.
If she likes to eat more of sour (khatti) items during pregnancy, it would most probably be a girl baby.’t try to change your taste forcibly…after all it is just a belief!
#5 Location of head of your child in stomach
Many aunties believe that if the head of the child is felt in the left portion of the pregnant lady, it is a boy.
If the head is felt on the right hand side of stomach, it should be a girl.
This probably proves that boy and girl have their thought process different right from the womb!
#6 Missed the due date given by doctor?
This is really funny but it is believed that if you deliver the baby before the due date as given by doctor, you have better chances of delivering a boy.
And if you miss i.e. deliver after the due date given by doctor, it is going to be a girl.
Get yourself a c-section surgery done to avoid passing the due date. Well, it does not matter..whatever is inside is not going to change!
#7 The fluid passing through your vagina
If you are seeing the passing of whitish liquid (in small quantities) during your pregnancy from vagina, you would have a baby boy.
If you are passing through small dots of blood occasionally during your pregnancy, it is believed to be a baby girl.
#8 Hips and buttocks tell the story
If your hips and buttocks are NOT heavy during pregnancy, you have better chances of a naughty boy.
If they are heavy, expect a sweet and healthy baby girl.
#9 Line Anigra

There is a brownish line which gets formed joining your navel and vagina. If this line is straight, you have a straight baby boy.
If the line is slant, there are more chances of having a girl child.
#10 Labor Pains
While in labor pains, if the pain is in both your back and stomach, you can expect a baby boy.
If the pain is only in stomach, it is baby girl coming out soon.
It seems baby boy’s make lot of noise and pain before coming out!
Related: Natural Remedies for Morning Sickness during Pregnancy
We seriously enjoyed all these predictions and had guessed it be a baby boy for us .
Also, We are sure that there are thousand more such desi Indian prediction mechanisms which we would like to hear from you. Please share them in comments below
Update 22 November 2010
As we promised about sharing the real outcome of Maahi’s pregnancy, here we are with the result. We have been blessed with a baby boy.
An important thing to keep in mind is that we have shared these conventions just for fun. Please do not take them seriously and have a safe and healthy pregnancy.
You can’t really control the outcome as it is still in God’s hand to define the destiny. Enjoy!